Sunday Morning Worship
Our Sunday Morning worship revolves around the Word. We don't focus on an "experience" but on transformation that comes through the Word. We believe that God has revealed Himself in the Bible so we want to honor Him in the way He has directed.
Order of SErvice
Our order of service (liturgy) is drawn from the historic Christian tradition. We desire to amplify God's Word. We share the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month and baptize on the second Sunday. We also seek to maximize congregational singing. In sum, we want to be deliberate in our worship of the Triune God.
We live-stream our services on YouTube and Facebook. However, we encourage you, if you are able, to attend in person.
Call to Worship
Pastoral Prayer
Old Testament Reading and Prayer of Adoration
Hymns of Praise
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymns of Worship
New Testament Reading and Prayer for Illumination
Expository Sermon
Time of Response